Gloria gem Sánchez
Gloria Gem Sánchez is a Xicana-Filipina artist who works in painting, weaving, sculpture, and mixed media. Her use of everyday materials invokes the Xicanx concept of ‘Rasquache,’ which signifies a resourceful, working-class sensibility. Hair is a potent material for the artist, who describes its capacity to hold memories and trauma. Sánchez makes art as a form of resilience and therapy to process painful experiences. She recently created an interactive, mobile mural pop-up with WE RISE LA: MUJERES DE MAIZ and participated in the Museum of Latin American Art’s (MOLAA’s) first ever AAPI x Latinx art programming; she is an affiliate of Slanguage Studio founded by Mario Ybarra Jr. and Karla Diaz and will co-curate an exhibition for their 20 year anniversary in 2022 at Angels Gate Cultural Center, all in Los Angeles. Sánchez earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Drawing and Painting from California State University, Long Beach in 2014. She works, teaches, and resides in the harbor area of Los Angeles, CA.